Tending the Fire
A life consists of moments
Each present moment
Creating one day-then the next
Our life as we choose.
Meaning infused from stimulation
of an experience
of our hearts opening
Being touched by another-it mattering.
Easy is the time when all else
melts away
When we are on fire
Passion drawing us close.
Easier, yet, to keep the heart open
when our souls meet-
And our soul touching
is ecstatic.
And those moments
of being seen by the other-
When one needs
And the other selflessly gives.
Eager as the receiver desires to return
the giving when the rhythm changes.
Both offering space to expand and grow
with support and trust in each becoming.
To delight in your delights
as you walk in the world
Exploring your meaning
And I walk in mine.
And during the day to day-
We part
Connect and reconnect
Again and again.
Allowing our becoming-together
Remaining connected because of it
All the while, consistently and patiently
tending the fire.
– shanna
tags: Poetry, Relationship and Intimacy Concerns